
Following on from my first blog shown below and the Rejuvenation Tour, I have decided to continue adding various trip reports to my site.

I hope you enjoy!




So here it is – my first blog!

(PS if you are new to this, click on Blog Posts in the top menu to see my blog posts)

Having done a lot of rides with the BMW club and countless trips with my riding buddy Rikus, this was going to be a trip with a difference.  It would be my first solo tour to a lot of places in South Africa that I have never visited and it would also include a visit to some interesting spots to do some fly fishing in Lesotho, exiting via the Sani Pass.

It would never be possible without the support of my loving wife Irma, who has encouraged me from the start to make the most of this opportunity and my kids, Hannah and Will, who are always behind me despite being back in the UK.

Having not owned a bike for 20 odd years and never done any off road riding, I took the plunge in December 2014 and bought a BMW GS 800 and joined the BMW Motor Cycle Club Cape. (http://bmwmotorcycleclubcape.co.za/news.html).  What a great move that was.  I would highly recommend joining to anybody interested in adventure riding.

I never thought I would need a bigger bike, until I rode my mate Francois’ GS1200 back from Cape Point and an upgrade soon followed.  Since then I have also upgraded again to my current GSA 1200 LC, with no regrets.

For the last 2 years and 10 months, this has been my hobby and my escape (not from the wife I might add).  During this time I have taken inspiration from the more experienced riders in the club and encouragement from fellow club members, many of whom have become good friends and regular riding buddies.  I have enjoyed reading books like Jupiter’s Travels, Gone Riding, Bike Adventure’s in South Africa just to mention a few.

In addition to this, watching Spencer Conway’s exploits and travels through Africa and currently South America, (http://www.spencer-conway.com/) and Henk, Warren and Trevor’s “Look what Your Missing”, a great TV programme made in our own back yard, bringing the joy of Adventure Bike riding to a wider audience (http://lookwhatyouremissing.co.za/lwym/index.php) have all added to my appetite of this great sport.  Without all of this influence, I would not be embarking on this daunting and exciting trip.